Welcome to the website for the committee to elect Johnny Walker.
The website is currently under construction so please check in periodically to see updates.
In the meantime, here are a few facts about John Walker.
I'm a 39-year-old, lifelong resident of Newport. I come from multi-generational Newport families on both sides. I'm a graduate of Sheffield elementary, Thompson Middle school, Rogers high school, and the Newport area career and tech center.
I'm a proud father of 5 children, all of them attending Newport public schools. I'm the owner of a small welding and fabrication/construction company in Newport, as well as owner of one of the last Newport residents owned commercial fishing boats working out of Newport Harbor.
My family and I have deep roots in this community, and I feel that Newport residents deserve a leader who cares about this town and it's people as much as I do.
If elected, I promise to make the quality of life for our residents my first priority when considering matters on the council floor. I commit to working to cultivate a doctrine of transparency and accountability for myself and all other elected and appointed officials. I commit to being a responsive and efficient leader that will work with constituents to find common sense solutions for the challenges that currently face our community and the ones to come. Let’s face it. Newport has changed so much over the years that most of us don’t even recognize it anymore, it seems that some of our current leaders have no idea who we really are as a community. Our town deserves a leader that will fight to keep Newport alive for all of us. Newport deserves a leader like John Walker.
If elected, I promise to make the quality of life for our residents my first priority when considering matters on the council floor. I commit to working to cultivate a doctrine of transparency and accountability for myself and all other elected and appointed officials. I commit to being a responsive and efficient leader that will work with constituents to find common sense solutions for the challenges that currently face our community and the ones to come. Let’s face it. Newport has changed so much over the years that most of us don’t even recognize it anymore, it seems that some of our current leaders have no idea who we really are as a community. Our town deserves a leader that will fight to keep Newport alive for all of us. Newport deserves a leader like John Walker.
John Walker for Newport
Elect John Walker for Newport City Council. Dedicated and experienced candidate committed to improving Newport's infrastructure and serving the community.
deep connection to community
I have deep roots in Newport.
5 young children in Newport schools.
2 small businesses in Newport.
My family is here, and my future is here, Im in this for the long haul.
Prioritization of resident quality of living here in newport
If elected, quality of living will be the first concern on my mind when considering policies. If it's not a good deal for newporters, its probably not a good deal for newport
transparant and accountable government.
I believe that we need more transparancy and self accountibility in our local government. As of late, we seem to be left in the dark about whats really going on and whos really at fault when it goes wrong.
This must change.
Support John Walker's commitment to improving Newport. Vote for John today!
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